We celebrated Labor Day at the park with friends and pizza (Owen's favorite).
My Dad turned 60 in September so we went to Columbus for a party and all went out to dinner afterwards. Can I just say how much I love my family??
Saying bye to grandpa Slagle and giving him a big birthday kiss!!
In mid October Owen and I went to visit my parents in North Carolina for nine days. He loved lots of one on one time with Grandma and Grandpa Slagle. We had a GREAT time and it went way to fast.
When we were in the south we also got to visit the whole Slagle clan in South Carolina. These are some of my first cousins and Owen loved all the attention he got the whole weekend (I think Owen was a little sick of being held - which you can tell in the pic).
We went downtown for Owen to do some trick or treating at the local businesses. That is one cute cow!
This past weekend we visited Brumbaugh Farm. Lots of fun but it was freezing!
Owen decided when we were out of town to start talking. His vocabulary now includes mommy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, Elmo, up and car.