Saturday, January 26, 2008

Time Away

On Wednesday afternoon after Owen woke up from his nap I realized I was officially bored out of my mind. Being a city girl, every once in a while I start to go a little insane living in the country. I thought after living here over 3 years I would get used to it but after going Walmart for everything I could possibly need for the next month I decided it was time to get out of town. Don't get me wrong I do love living here but during the winter there is nothing to do and after a few days of being stuck in the house I need to do something. 

We got to my parent's house around 4:30 that afternoon. My parents both had meetings that evening but we still got to eat together and once I put Owen down I made cookies for something at the school. 

Owen did not sleep well that night but it was totally worth it being able to go to Springfield. My mom took Owen for a few glorious hours so I could go to the mall by myself and out to lunch. I went to Panera and just stared at the wall when I ate. People probably thought that I was a depressed person but it was so nice just to sit. I then got a few refills of coffee and read for a while. After I got home my mom told me to take a nap (I think I am coming down with a sinus infection - again). After an hour long nap we both decided to head back to the mall and check out more sales at Old Navy. I think I have already bought about half my Christmas gifts, shower gifts and new baby presents for the year - they were having AMAZING sales. We ended the evening with chicken tacos and three episodes of Lost (what could be a better day?). So thankful for my parents!!! 

In the morning we left just in time for me to meet Charity and Isabel for coffee. Jay and I took a lot of turns yesterday of taking of Owen so the other one could nap. I think we have all come down with the same thing. We had friends over for dessert last night and just talked for a few hours. 

Tonight we have a date night!!!! We are going to go to Troy for dinner and then our favorite coffee shop. Thanks Derek and Kari! I am so grateful for these last few days of relaxing and spending time with people we love! 


Anonymous said...

you don't have to apologize for being bored in greenville during the winter...or any other season for that matter. it WAS a little funny reading that you live in the country, though. what do you call where i live???

Jodi Bradshaw said...

I would probably say we both live in the country. Compared to Detroit, San Diego and Columbus (places I grew up) this is country. I see your point though :)

~~anna~~ said...

Jodi, you grew up in Detroit? Where? I grew up in Harper Woods. ever hear of it?

Jodi Bradshaw said...

I think I have heard of Harper Woods since we lived there but I was still pretty young. We lived in ghetto
of Lincoln Park. My dad worked at a Christian High School called Inter City.