Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No Sleep for Me

It is 11:26 pm. I am sure that you are all aware of the fact that I cherish my sleep. Why am I still awake? This weekend I got a little sick on sunday and stayed in bed for 24 hours straight (yes, I have an awesome husband). I think that I could get an average of 3 hours of sleep for the next few days and it would not faze me. Thankfully, I am feeling much better now but just have a nasty sore throat (I think I had a 24 hour flu virus or something).

I have not posted in a while because I feel that nothing monumental has happened in our lives recently. To be completely honest it seems like since we have been back from vacation life has just been a little boring. Not that we do not have a lot going on, but it just seems like I keep doing the same things over and over and over (Groundhog Day??). Owen is officially at the stage that I cannot leave him alone for more than a few seconds. He is into everything. I find it kind of discouraging that anytime we go anywhere one of us has to give up adult interaction in order to follow Owen up a staircase or through a yard. I know it is just a phase but sometimes it wears me out.

I also know that I have a VERY healthy and vibrant little guy, which I am extremely thankful for. I really am trying to cherish these times (like all older women tell you to do) and just enjoy them while Owen still loves being around me. I have never been more content than where I am right now (being able to be a stay at home wife/mom) but I guess, being the sinful person I am, I am never fully satisfied.

Now that I have written down the things that have been floating around in my head (and the fact that it is midnight) it is time for me to go to bed. Thanks for listening. Good night.


Kati said...

You're NORMAL, Jodi. Life often does seem a bit like Groundhog Day. The hum-drums here make me EXTRA excited for eternity with Jesus!

As far as giving up adult interaction to chase after Owen, yes, it will get better in time. We all have been there (or are still there) and understand the frustration. Choose to dwell on the positives! (He is healthy and vibrant!)

Hope you were able to sleep well after spilling some of your thoughts! :) Glad you're feeling better.

Jessi said...

Jodi~ Ditto. The only reason I event commented is because I just wanted you to know I understand and support you!

OH and Kati...do you feel like the last 3 blogs I have completely copied you? (weird-o huh?) :0
No, I just really agree with what you've said to everyone! oh my goodness i feel like a...third grader...ha ha ha!

Kati said...

Jessi, you're a total copy-cat blogger!!! Get your own material!

~~anna~~ said...

On the positive side~~ Owen is just providing you with a built-in exercise program complete with stair climbing! Sitting is highly over-rated, don't you think? :p
Hope to see you all on Sunday!

Anonymous said...

i remember hating it when people told me to enjoy them while they were young...that this is the EASY stage. i just assumed they'd forgotten how tedious life could be (not ALL the time, but an AWFUL LOT of the time) with a toddler/pre-schooler. Hang in there. Each stage has it's unique frustrations and rewards, and we all DO have to learn to enjoy where we are and what we are being called to do in each one of them.

Jodi Bradshaw said...

I so very thankful to have godly women as friends!! It is so nice to get views from people in this same life place and in a different life place.

Today was a much better day as I started it with a new perspective (I was also out of the house a lot of the day so I am sure that had a lot to do with it). :)

Margaret said...

Oh Jodi...I was just nodding my head as I read your blog. I have been where you are at many times. Like Dee, I HATED it when people told me to enjoy these years because they go so fast...I figured they had major memory loss! :)

Life is like that- mountains and valleys, highs and lows. As moms, we kind of have to get used to the fact that we do the same things over and over- Monday-Friday at our house is very much the same week by week. It has definitely been an area where I have had to learn that God has me right where He wants me and until I learn that, I cannot glorify Him.

There is hope, Jodi! :) It DOES get better when children can more or less take care of themselves.

Carry on, sister and I will pray for you.

Charity said...

Jodi, you're doing a great job - it's been such a blessing for me to see your heart for serving Jason and Owen, and ultimately Christ. There is no doubt that your little boy absolutely adores you - it's fun to watch his little face light up when he sees you.

You know, there's a sure-fire cure for boredom . . . . another baby!! :D