Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Jodi's Top 7 of 2007

7. My job at REACH -I have been so blessed to have a job that I love. Jan (my boss) has been so nice to keep me on staff even though I am very part time. Occassionaly, I get to go to go into schools on fridays (Jay's days off). Because of our new governor we have lost our funding and are on the verge of closing (thank you Ted Strickland). We are still holding out for something to happen to keep REACH afloat.

6. Our vacation to Hilton Head- We got to go with my parents to Hilton Head when Owen was only 2 months old. It was so relaxing and so nice to get away. It was also nice for Jay and I to get some alone time while my parents watched Owen.

5. Our new Mac/TV - We have literally waited for years to get a home computer. I am so thankful to be able to keep in touch with family and friends via the internet. I love having a connection to the outside world on days when Owen and I do not get out.

4. Pregnancy and delivery - I totally enjoyed being pregnant (except for the throwing up of the first trimester and being over due). People are so much nicer to you when you are pregnant. There are also the people stare me down (and continue to do so) because I look like a teenager. I always try to flash my ring in their direction. I have no idea why I care what they think but for some reason I just want to yell out, "I am 27 and I am married so back off."
Delivery was amazing, it was what came afterwards that was a bit of a challenge (emergency surgery and blood transfusions). It was crazy to think this little human just came out of me and he is mine!

3. Our church body - I love our church. I am so thankful that it is comitted to being a gospel oriented church. The people at our church are incredible. We were overwhelmed this year by the shower that was thrown for us. We continue to meet new individuals who are such servants and want to use their gifts to glorify God. It is so strange to think that a year ago I did not know some of the people that I know now who are such an encouragement to me. Our church had also gone through a lot of changes this year and yet because of God's grace we continued to grow.

2. Friends and family - We got to see a lot of friends this year from college that we do not get to see very often. It is those friendships that once you are together you just go from where you last left off. It is so bitter sweet to see them because afterwards you miss them more. God has giving us amazing friends from high school, college and in Greenville. We are so blessed to have people that help us grow closer to our heavenly Father.
We are so thankful to both be raised in Christian homes. It has been so much fun to watch our families interact with Owen (especially Jay's parents being that it is their first grandchild). I love that we never have to worry about Owen when we leave him with any family members. My mom has been especially amazing this year. She stayed with us for almost 2 weeks after Owen was born. Because of complications I was really weak and my mom just took over. She would sleep in the same room with Owen and only wake me up if he needed to eat! She is a woman that I truly desire to be like. It has also been nice to be able to drop off Owen and their house and go out on dates. :)

Drum roll please! And the #1 of 2007 is.....

1. Being Parents - I could never have dreamed what it was really like to be a parent. It is completely awesome and completely terrifying at the same time. Watching Jay with Owen has been one of the highlights of my year. I have seen a whole different side of Jason since he has become a dad. Jay is an incredible father! I could never ask for a better husband!
I love being a mommy. I cannot imagine life now without Owen (what did we do for entertainment before?) Being a mom has exceeded my expectations and I am looking forward to the new year full of "firsts" with Owen.

As I look back over the year I am amazed at God's grace and goodness in our lives! Thank you Lord for blessing me way beyond what I deserve. Christmas this year brings on a whole different meaning when I think about God sending His only Son to this earth to die. I pray that in the coming year I would be reminded of this daily when I look at the son God has given us.
Merry Christmas!!!!!


~~anna~~ said...

What a joy and blessing to read your list! Thanks so much for sharing...Jus got home from a full day in the clinic pharmacy and am exhausted, but reading this was a tremendous encouragment!

lyndie said...

sweet list! :)

Charity said...

I like your list, too. :-) Looking forward to seeing some Christmas pictures soon! (hint, hint)