Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tennessee Here We Come

There are a million things I SHOULD be doing right now because we are leaving for vacation on friday morning. Other than get all of our stuff packed we are also having an open house while we are gone so it needs to be clean (I like leaving the house clean but not that clean). I just cannot wait to go on vacation!!

Let me explain, my father is CRAZY about vacations (this may run in the genes). Both my parents were school teachers (when my mom worked) and so once spring break and summer rolled around it was time to hit the road. My dad bought into a time share when I was just 5 and continually has built weeks since then. My parents were not wealthy at all (did I mention they worked at Christian schools) but this has always been a priority to them. They drove junky cars, we did not eat out often and a lot of things were hand me downs but we did have great vacations.

Now that my dad has points stored up he generously gives us children vacations. I am so thankful for this because I feel that it is a need and otherwise we would not be able to afford them. The most vivid (and best) memories I have are from vacations and I am so looking forward to building some of these with our little family.


Margaret said...

sounds awesome! I, too, have wonderful memories of childhood vacations! We haven't been very consistent with our kids in that regards...probably something we will regret. :(

Charity said...

Have a great week!!

Jodi Bradshaw said...

Margaret - When all us kids were your children's ages we rarely did family vacations but just whoever could go at that time went. It is actually a lot easier to do vacations with my whole family now that we are married. Just a little encouragement for the crazy life stage you are in :)

Anonymous said...

hope you have a relaxing time together. tennessee is beautiful.

lyndie said...

yay for vacation! have fun soaking it up. :)

~~anna~~ said...

Family vacations are the best! We usually took two each summer when I was growing up. We've also had some very memorable ones with David and Shan.
So happy you're able to start your own vacation memories...ENJOY!

Tammy said...

I hope your vacation was wonderful. I am so looking forward to our family vacation to, none other than, Tennessee as well. Not to copy you, my brother and sister-in-law planned it months and months ago. :o) I know all the wonderful memories that Jeff and I have already from Vacations, so I hope you made some great ones on your trip.